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Consulting and Management
Our consultants and project managers work closely with your project team to pinpoint all the specifications and special conditions for your project, and then develop a solution that addresses your needs. More...
- Engineering and Design
Your project will typically involve a number of engineers in various disciplines. UCC uses a team of in-house and external engineering consultants to make sure that your project meets all design, municipal and national codes. More...
- Building Installations
UCC employs supervisors and construction crews who are highly trained in this unique type of construction. In addition to providing installation support to our own product lines, we are happy to review and provide a quotation to install any pre-engineered building project. More...
Building Moves
One of the key qualities of fabric buildings is that they can be moved. This is due to their modular design and the fact that they are generally less complicated than a conventional building. More...
- Cover Replacement
UCC provides and installs replacement covers for most fabric buildings in the industry. Even if we don't work directly with the manufacturer or the manufacturer no longer exists, we can design a cover to fit your building. More...
- Repairs and Maintenance
Although fabric buildings and steel buildings are relatively maintenance free, during the lifetime of your building you may need some minor maintenance or repairs. More...
Building Modifications
Building modifications can be as simple as installing a vent or man door to doubling the size of your building. More...